Dashboard API explorer

/api/user/set-account-password (PATCH)

await global.api.user.SetAccountPassword.patch(req)
Located in Dashboard API

Returns object


These exceptions are thrown (NodeJS) or returned as JSON (HTTP) if you provide incorrect data or do not meet the requirements:

Exception Circumstances
invalid querystring accountid
invalid-accountid missing querystring accountid
invalid-account ineligible accessing account
invalid posted password
invalid-password missing posted password
invalid-new-password missing posted new-password
posted new-password too long
invalid-new-password-length posted new-password too short

NodeJS source (edit on github)

If you see a problem with the source submit a pull request on Github.

const dashboard = require('../../../../index.js')

module.exports = {
  patch: async (req) => {
    if (!req.query || !req.query.accountid) {
      throw new Error('invalid-accountid')
    const account = await global.api.user.Account.get(req)
    if (!account) {
      throw new Error('invalid-accountid')
    if (!req.body || !req.body['new-password']) {
      throw new Error('invalid-new-password')
    if (global.minimumPasswordLength > req.body['new-password'].length ||
      global.maximumPasswordLength < req.body['new-password'].length) {
      throw new Error('invalid-new-password-length')
    if (!req.body.password || !req.body.password.length) {
      throw new Error('invalid-password')
    let dashboardEncryptionKey = global.dashboardEncryptionKey
    if (req.server) {
      dashboardEncryptionKey = req.server.dashboardEncryptionKey || dashboardEncryptionKey
    const realPasswordHash = await dashboard.StorageObject.getProperty(`${req.appid}/account/${req.query.accountid}`, 'passwordHash')
    const validPassword = await dashboard.Hash.bcryptHashCompare(req.body.password, realPasswordHash, dashboardEncryptionKey)
    if (!validPassword) {
      throw new Error('invalid-password')
    const newPasswordHash = await dashboard.Hash.bcryptHashHash(req.body['new-password'], dashboardEncryptionKey)
    await dashboard.StorageObject.setProperty(`${req.appid}/account/${req.query.accountid}`, 'passwordHash', newPasswordHash)
    await dashboard.StorageObject.setProperty(`${req.appid}/account/${req.query.accountid}`, 'passwordLastChanged', dashboard.Timestamp.now)
    return global.api.user.Account.get(req)

Test source (edit on github)

Tests perform real HTTP requests against a running Dashboard server.

/* eslint-env mocha */
const assert = require('assert')
const TestHelper = require('../../../../test-helper.js')

describe('/api/user/set-account-password', () => {
  describe('exceptions', () => {
    describe('invalid-accountid', () => {
      it('missing querystring accountid', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest('/api/user/set-account-password')
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-accountid')

      it('invalid querystring accountid', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest('/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=invalid')
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-accountid')

    describe('invalid-account', () => {
      it('ineligible accessing account', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const user2 = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=${user2.account.accountid}`)
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-account')

    describe('invalid-password', () => {
      it('missing posted password', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        req.body = {
          'new-password': '1234567890',
          password: ''
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch(req)
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-password')

      it('invalid posted password', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        req.body = {
          'new-password': '1234567890',
          password: 'invalid'
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch(req)
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-password')

    describe('invalid-new-password', () => {
      it('missing posted new-password', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        req.body = {
          'new-password': '',
          password: '1234567890'
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch(req)
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-new-password')

    describe('invalid-new-password-length', () => {
      it('posted new-password too short', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        req.body = {
          'new-password': '1',
          password: user.account.password
        global.minimumPasswordLength = 100
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch(req)
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-new-password-length')

      it('posted new-password too long', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        req.body = {
          'new-password': '12345678',
          password: user.account.password
        global.maximumPasswordLength = 1
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.patch(req)
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-new-password-length')

  describe('returns', () => {
    it('object', async () => {
      const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
      const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/set-account-password?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
      req.account = user.account
      req.session = user.session
      req.body = {
        'new-password': '1234567890',
        password: user.account.password
      req.filename = __filename
      req.saveResponse = true
      const account = await req.patch()
      assert.strictEqual(account.object, 'account')