Organizations module documentation

Documentation for Organizations



Dashboard bundles everything a web app needs, all the "boilerplate" like signing in and changing passwords, into a parallel server so you can write a much smaller web app.

The Organizations module allows users to create organizations and invitations other users can accept to join. Users must share the invitations themselves with the recipients. Your application server can use the Organizations module's API to fetch what organizations a user is in and use that data to allow shared access or assign ownership or whatever other purpose. A complete UI is provided for users to create and manage their organizations and memberships, and a basic administrator UI is provided for oversight.

Module contents

Dashboard modules can add pages and API routes. For more details check the sitemap.txt and api.txt or env.txt also contained in the online documentation.

Content type
Proxy scripts
Server scripts
Content scripts
User pages Yes
User API routes Yes
Administrator pages Yes
Administrator API routes Yes

Import this module

On your Dashboard server you need to install this module with NPM:

$ npm install @userdashboard/organizations

Edit your package.json to activate the module:

"dashboard": {
  "modules": [

Storage engine

By default this module will share whatever storage you use for Dashboard. You can specify an alternate storage module to use instead, or the same module with a separate database.


Customizing membership profiles

Memberships designate a Profile which you can configure to collect the information relevant to your organizations. You specify the fields you want in an environment variable:


Access the API

Dashboard and official modules are completely API-driven and you can access the same APIs on behalf of the user making requests. You perform GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE HTTP requests against the API endpoints to fetch or modify data. This example fetches the user's country information using NodeJS, you can do this with any language:

You can view API documentation within the NodeJS modules' api.txt files, or on the documentation site.

const memberships = await proxy(`/api/user/organizations/memberships?accountid=${accountid}&all=true`, accountid, sessionid)

const proxy = util.promisify((path, accountid, sessionid, callback) => {
    const requestOptions = {
        host: '',
        path: path,
        port: '443',
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'x-application-server': '',
            'x-application-server-token': process.env.APPLICATION_SERVER_TOKEN,
            'x-accountid': accountid,
            'x-sessionid': sessionid
    const proxyRequest = require('https').request(requestOptions, (proxyResponse) => {
        let body = ''
        proxyResponse.on('data', (chunk) => {
            body += chunk
        return proxyResponse.on('end', () => {
            return callback(null, JSON.parse(body))
    proxyRequest.on('error', (error) => {
        return callback(error)
    return proxyRequest.end()

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