Stripe Subscriptions module API explorer

/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents (GET)

await global.api.user.subscriptions.SetupIntents.get(req)



These exceptions are thrown (NodeJS) or returned as JSON (HTTP) if you provide incorrect data or do not meet the requirements:

Exception Circumstances
invalid querystring accountid
invalid-accountid missing querystring accountid
invalid-account ineligible accessing account


API routes may receive parameters from the URL and POST supporting simple and multipart:

Field Value Required Type
all boolean optional URL
limit integer optional URL
offset integer optional URL

NodeJS source (edit on github)

If you see a problem with the source submit a pull request on Github.

const subscriptions = require('../../../../../index.js')

module.exports = {
  get: async (req) => {
    if (!req.query || !req.query.accountid) {
      throw new Error('invalid-accountid')
    const account = await global.api.user.Account.get(req)
    if (!account) {
      throw new Error('invalid-account')
    let setupintentids
    if (req.query.all) {
      setupintentids = await subscriptions.StorageList.listAll(`${req.appid}/account/setupIntents/${req.query.accountid}`)
    } else {
      const offset = req.query.offset ? parseInt(req.query.offset, 10) : 0
      const limit = req.query.limit ? parseInt(req.query.limit, 10) : global.pageSize
      setupintentids = await subscriptions.StorageList.list(`${req.appid}/account/setupIntents/${req.query.accountid}`, offset, limit)
    if (!setupintentids || !setupintentids.length) {
      return null
    const items = []
    for (const setupintentid of setupintentids) {
      req.query.setupintentid = setupintentid
      const setupIntent = await global.api.user.subscriptions.SetupIntent.get(req)
    return items

Test source (edit on github)

Tests perform real HTTP requests against a running Dashboard server.

/* eslint-env mocha */
const assert = require('assert')
const TestHelper = require('../../../../../test-helper.js')
const DashboardTestHelper = require('@userdashboard/dashboard/test-helper.js')

describe('/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents', function () {
  this.timeout(60 * 60 * 1000)
  const cachedResponses = {}
  const cachedSetupIntents = []
  before(async () => {
    await DashboardTestHelper.setupBeforeEach()
    await TestHelper.setupBeforeEach()
    await TestHelper.setupWebhook()
    const administrator = await TestHelper.createOwner()
    await TestHelper.createProduct(administrator, {
      published: 'true'
    const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
    await TestHelper.createCustomer(user, {
      email: user.profile.contactEmail,
      description: user.profile.firstName
    for (let i = 0, len = global.pageSize + 2; i < len; i++) {
      await TestHelper.createPaymentMethod(user, {
        cvc: '111',
        number: '4111111111111111',
        exp_month: '1',
        exp_year: (new Date().getFullYear() + 1).toString().substring(2),
        name: user.profile.firstName + ' ' + user.profile.lastName,
        address_line1: '285 Fulton St',
        address_line2: 'Apt 893',
        address_city: 'New York',
        address_state: 'NY',
        address_zip: '90120',
        address_country: 'US',
        default: 'true'
    const req1 = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents?accountid=${user.account.accountid}&offset=1`)
    req1.account = user.account
    req1.session = user.session
    cachedResponses.offset = await req1.get()
    const req2 = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents?accountid=${user.account.accountid}&limit=1`)
    req2.account = user.account
    req2.session = user.session
    cachedResponses.limit = await req2.get()
    const req3 = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents?accountid=${user.account.accountid}&all=true`)
    req3.account = user.account
    req3.session = user.session
    cachedResponses.all = await req3.get()
    const req4 = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
    req4.account = user.account
    req4.session = user.session
    cachedResponses.returns = await req4.get()
    global.pageSize = 3
    cachedResponses.pageSize = await req4.get()

  describe('exceptions', () => {
    describe('invalid-accountid', () => {
      it('missing querystring accountid', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest('/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents')
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.get()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-accountid')

      it('invalid querystring accountid', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest('/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents?accountid=invalid')
        req.account = user.account
        req.session = user.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.get()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-accountid')

    describe('invalid-account', () => {
      it('ineligible accessing account', async () => {
        const user = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const user2 = await TestHelper.createUser()
        const req = TestHelper.createRequest(`/api/user/subscriptions/setup-intents?accountid=${user.account.accountid}`)
        req.account = user2.account
        req.session = user2.session
        let errorMessage
        try {
          await req.get()
        } catch (error) {
          errorMessage = error.message
        assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, 'invalid-account')

  describe('receives', () => {
    it('optional querystring offset (integer)', async () => {
      const offset = 1
      const setupIntentsNow = cachedResponses.offset
      for (let i = 0, len = global.pageSize; i < len; i++) {
        assert.strictEqual(setupIntentsNow[i].id, cachedSetupIntents[offset + i])

    it('optional querystring limit (integer)', async () => {
      const limit = 1
      const setupIntentsNow = cachedResponses.limit
      assert.strictEqual(setupIntentsNow.length, limit)

    it('optional querystring all (boolean)', async () => {
      const setupIntentsNow = cachedResponses.all
      assert.strictEqual(setupIntentsNow.length, cachedSetupIntents.length)

  describe('configuration', () => {
    it('environment PAGE_SIZE', async () => {
      global.pageSize = 3
      const setupIntentsNow = cachedResponses.pageSize
      assert.strictEqual(setupIntentsNow.length, global.pageSize)